Thursday, March 26, 2015

Poems for Paintings

This man is very sad
He lives in poor conditions
and only owns a guitar
He fears for his life
and he hopes for change
but he knows that things will never get better
So he sits and plays his guitar
he fills the fear and emptiness with music
the sounds of music helps his fears.

The three man try to play music together
but the sounds do not sound right
They are confused and chaotic 
The sounds that they produce do not sound like music
But at least they have the ability to play
They wont give up
They keep trying
maybe someday they will meet with success
Until then they fill the air with sounds and noises
But to them it is beautiful  

1 comment:

  1. I see the sadness and struggle in the first image, and the chaos in the second. But all these musicians are persistent (I wouldn't be...I'm terrible at playing instruments!).
