Thursday, March 26, 2015

Edward Hopper

The boxcar sat on the rail roads motionless. With no where else to go the young teenagers climbed into the car and a small feeling of relief come over them; maybe they had found somewhere safe for the  night. Left on their own, they were scared and lost but determined to make it. They found comfort in the boxcar and slept for the night. The following day they decided to stay in the car where they slept and ate the little food they could afford. They did this again the day after that and then the day after that; soon the little boxcar started to become home to them. Although it was not ideal, it wasn't so bad. It provided shelter from the rain and cold winds. It protected them from animals and other dangers. No one knew of their little new home and for the first time in a long time, they felt safe. Of course they still struggled, being on their own at such a young age is not an easy task or life. When they started to become short on money for food, they did their best to clean up and find a job. This also was not an easy task but they both finally got jobs at a dinner near by. The money was not much, but it was enough to provide for the both of them. They did their best to save up and after some times they finally had enough to get back on their feet. When it was time to say goodbye to old and abandoned boxcar, it was almost upsetting for them even though they were leaving for a better life. They were forever grateful for the motionless boxcar. 

1 comment:

  1. I can see how leaving the boxcar would be bittersweet--it was shelter in rough times, a reminder of the worst but also something they've overcome. It seems like when you've got no home everything just ends up stacked against you and getting back on your feet becomes more and more unlikely.
