Friday, February 6, 2015

My Reoccurring Dream

I only have one reoccurring dream which reoccurs often. I can always see myself lying in bed and everything is in my room exactly how it always is. It seems like a normal night but then a feeling of fear comes over me. I cannot usually tell why I am so scared that I cannot move or make a sound at first, but then I realize that there is someone in my doorway. It is a big man or creature maybe? It is hard to tell. Whatever it is, it is dressed a hooded robe-like outfit. I try to move but cannot. So I try to scream for my mom who is sleeping in the room across the hall but I can’t make a noise. The man walks slowly towards me. He only walks in straight lines, almost like a robot in a way. He drags something heavy behind him, or at least I assume it is heavy because of how he carries it. It seems like it takes him forever to get to me which only makes the situation more terrifying. I believe what he is carrying is some kind of weapon, a sword maybe. I then realize that whatever it is, it is how he plans to kill me. So scared I cannot breath, I try to wake myself up but I cannot. He is finally standing next to my bed. I see him swing backwards with the sword, preparing to swing it at me. It seems to take all of his strength to swing it. I finally wake up right before he finishes swinging. After I wake up I still have the same feeling of fear all over me.

1 comment:

  1. Terrifying! I wonder why you dream of a weapon that is more outdated or from another culture rather than the guns or knives of more modern times. Interesting.
