Thursday, January 29, 2015

My Future

During the Art Institute presentation there were various interesting topics discussed. My personal favorites were the commercial photography which is photographs used advertisements and when we viewed the different video games that were made from the Art Institute's students. I would like to know more about how the video games are made because it seems nearly impossible that a person was able to make them so my question is, how is that possible? In one year I would like to be a pleeb at the United State Naval Academy. In five years I would like to begin serving as a Marine Core Officer, fighting for my Country's freedom. In ten years I would like to be working within the political field, possibly at the pentagon or other governmental building. I would possibly like to run for a political office and have a family. In fifty years I would like to be living a happy life with no regrets and a loving family. Probably still working in the political field and marking off items from my bucket list.


  1. That's really cool that you're going into the military! I leave for Air Force BMT this summer

  2. I hope you get to check all sorts of dreams and experiences off your bucket list. And I applaud your willingness to serve others in a number of capacities throughout your life. Thanks, Boo!
